Monday, October 12, 2009

Long Weekend

My favorite month of the year and it is already blowing past. The air is crispy and my legs are so happy to be moving, it must be October. As a California transplant to New York I am still taken by the magic of fall in the city. I have had plenty of time to enjoy New York's new season while literally running around town from the Upper East Side to Staten Island, learning pet CPR, demonstrating how to put on a d-tag for fellow runners and getting to know our southern most borough in 13.1 miles. Last weekend was glorious. It started Friday morning at 8:30am when Julie and I jogged over to the county clerk's office to file some very important Brooklyn Dog Runners paper work. In this time of economic crisis, I have been trying to save money by using the subway less and my camel bak and feet more. The trip to Brooklyn Heights is faster on foot anyways. We headed down Montrose Avenue and then caught up with the BQE by way of Penn Street. With the expressway in sight we could follow it almost the entire way. Julie and I hung a left on Tillary Street and left on Adams and found ourselves standing in front of the Supreme Court Building feeling invigorated and slightly sweaty. After an embarrassing three trips in and out of the building to get various forms notarized and monies withdrawn, the paper work was filed and we headed to Union Square to check out Paragon Sports for some work clothes. I had wanted to run but knew it was going to be a long day and conceded that it looked like rain, getting on the subway. From Union Square I ran uptown on Lexington Avenue to the New York Road Runners Club on 89th street and 5th avenue. I am completing the 9+1 program to gain entry to the 2010 New York Marathon and volunteering is the +1 part. It was painless and actually kind of fun. I got to demonstrate how to put on a d-tag for runners and enjoyed talking to people and wishing them luck for the race that weekend. After my shift I ran home to Williamsburg (back down Lex, heading East on 14th street to 1st Avenue and then downtown further until Delancy and finally taking the Williamsburg Bridge across the river) and got a good night's sleep. Saturday morning Julie and I completed a Pet First Aid class at the Red Cross. It was very interesting. We learned CPR for cats and dogs, splinting and how to make a muzzle out of a handkerchief. I've been practicing my new skills on my kitten Tobias and he seems pretty unimpressed with my knowledge but I keep telling him I could use it to save his life someday. With first aid completed Julie and I headed over to Bushwick where we took two new friends running, Riley and Madeleine. We love this boxer duo. They are great runners who stay side by side the whole way. It was a beautiful day and I got some great pictures of Julie with the dogs.
This one is my personal favorite, can you see the light from heaven shining down upon her? Glorious. After our run I had a quick snack at home and then scooted over to the Willburg Cafe where I worked pedaling coffee until close. Upon returning home it was straight to bed to get as much rest as possible before the Staten Island Half Marathon. After the Queens Half Marathon last month I was a little apprehensive about Staten Island. I didn't want a repeat so I did my best to get everything right preparation wise. I had an awesome rice and bean burrito for dinner. I had all my goo and fuel belt packed up and ready to go. I had a pot of coffee set to brew and greet me at 5am. The more prepared and planned I am the better I feel. It really paid off. I had a great race. The weather was fantastic and Staten Island was beautiful. The course was lined with locals cheering the runners on and shouting encouragement. I finished in 1 hour and 55 minutes. Even better, the bagel that I got at the finish line was French Toast flavored and it was so delicious I am still thinking about it. After a few hours of rest I returned to Willburg and closed up shop that night. It was a freaking long weekend and Monday I took a huge nap but all in all I was super happy I got so much accomplished. Two more races with the NYRR and I am good to go for NYC Marathon 2010, our puppy running schedule is filling out nicely and I am certified to help in a pet emergency. Fantastic. Happy Running!

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